The calm before the storm
Martin & colleague from Whiskeria ready to tempt us with some delectable malts
Our videographer Marco prepares for battle
The venue with the view…
We welcome all at The Gathering
Pat and Matt
The Gathering
Piping in the guests. From left organisers Jana and Gordon, piper Miroslav Anger
Piping in the haggis (or haggis, as we have 2!)
Callum delivers the Address of a Haggis in Scots
Professional actor Jiri Knot delivers the hilarious Czech version
We toast the haggis
Master of Ceremonies Gordon seems happy enough with the proceedings so far!
Jiri renders another Burns poem in Czech
The company
Jiri's daughter, Amálie clearly follows her father's footsteps!
Jana delivers the Immortal Memory
Beware: You might get 'volunteered' to read a poem you have never seen before! All did a great job.
…no, he wasn't boring them to death! :-)
We get a second helping of Callum
Jana introduces the Charity Auction for Adopce na Dalku
And let the games begin! We learn 'Combat Ceilidh' dancing
Men in Kilts
No prisoners taken, no quarter asked or given at our Strip the Willow gauntlet!
Mirek gives us a final tune
Before leading us in Auld Lang Syne
Thanks to Marco for his great video coverage
And the core organising team of Vasek, Jana, Gordon and our new partner from the Corinthia, Callum
Vasek, Jana and Gordon close our 13th Burns Night… We plan to write off Sunday!